John Johnson
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John is an experienced speaker and leader. Here are some of the workshops and conferences he can provide for your church body.


Intro to Worship

Informs, equips and incites the seeker to pursue and find a deep and rewarding worship relationship with Him.

The "Intro to Worship" is a 4-week series designed to provide a foundation of understanding of worship from the heart of God, and it is for individuals and congregations. It informs and equips and incites the seeker to pursue and find a deep and rewarding worship relationship with Him.

To the degree of our revelation of the heart and purposes of the Lord will be our responsiveness and depth of relationship to Him. These teachings will reveal His heart's desire for us and the wonderful provision that He gives to us to fulfill that desire in and through us!

Session Breakdown:

Session 1: Created for Worship

Session 2: God’s Objectives for Gathered Worship

Session 3: We’re a Kingdom Priesthood

Session 4: Drawing from the Well of Rehearsed Memory

Join me and let's walk this journey together and see what the Lord has in store for us. I guarantee that it is Good!!

This workshop is made possible by a generous love offering and the covering of Dr. Johnson’s travel, which includes housing and food.

Available online or through zoom.


Unalterable Worship Principles Workshop

A 4-Week Series of Unalterable Worship Principles. In this series we will closely examine 4 important principles and reveal how each of them relate to worship. When we use the word unalterable, we mean that we may like them or hate them but we'll not be able to change them. Our part is to discover how to best cooperate and practice these eternal principles and in so doing, please the Lord.

Session Breakdown:

Session 1: The Principle of Revelation

Session 2: The Principle of Choice/Selection

Session 3: The Principle of Love/Devotion

Session 4: The Principle of Gaze

This workshop is made possible by a generous love offering and the covering of Dr. Johnson’s travel, which includes housing and food.


 Declaring War on the Enemies of your Soul

We would all like to believe that our future is bright and that God has great things in store for us. 

However, we can have an inner dialogue that creates doubts, confusion, and unbelief, which sabotages our identity and purpose in life. 

Do you want to get off the rollercoaster of lies and innuendos and live in the abundant life that Christ promises you?  

There is good news for you. Dr. Johnson can help you identify the enemies of your soul and ensure Godly success in all that you do and say. 

These sessions are for everyone, regardless of gender, age, race or culture. Make sure you reserve your place and get ready for the Word of God to set you free!

Session Breakdown:

Session 1: Do not Compromise (Teaching)

Session 2: Dr. Johnson shares his story and helps each person Identify the Enemies

Session 3: Finding Scriptures that counter and bring truth to the lies.

Session 4: Writing out in your own words using the scriptures of your declaration/confession.

Session 5: Application of Teachings – Rehearse the declarations morning, noon and night before bedtime.

This workshop is made possible by a generous love offering and the covering of Dr. Johnson’s travel, which includes housing and food.

To identify the enemies of your soul and ensure Godly success in all that you do and say, start here:


Coveting the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you heard the voice of the Lord but couldn’t discern whether it was you or him?

In reading about the miracles and wonders in the Bible, have you wanted to be used by God in this way? Be assured that is not a selfish or ambitious desire.

The Lord has placed a hunger in your heart to be used in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to let the Spirit of God flow through you, to the churched and unchurched!

That is what these sessions are for, to help us learn to recognize and respond to the voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit and reach out to others.

This Workshop is open to the entire church body.

Session Breakdown:

Session 1: Begins in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and explores the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Johnson will explain his background in coveting the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Session 2: Wait before the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to use whomever he chooses in the gifts as they are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. 

To experience the Holy Spirit as the apostles and believers did in the book of Acts, start below.


And more!

Interested in going deeper and filling the unique needs of you and your church? In addition to these popular workshops and conferences, John offers a wealth of additional content and courses geared for working church professionals and worship leaders. Watch the video below to learn more!